Our Mission
We exist to bring those far from God close to Him by becoming Jesus with skin on. We believe that our primary purpose as the church is to reach those who don’t know Jesus in NWA and around the world. We do this by loving people like Jesus did.
Our Core Values
Every soul matters to God, so they matter to us.
The Word of God is the compass of our lives.
Worship is the key to a deeper relationship with God.
We serve a God of second chances.
Right choices eventually bring right feelings.
We are people of the Spirit.
We’re Better Together.
This is our children’s ministry. We have opportunities for your kids from the crib to 6th grade to be ministered to every Sunday morning. All children’s ministry rooms are found downstairs. We have signage available to lead the way.
This our student ministry for grades 6-12. The primary service for this ministry is on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm.
This is our church’s primary discipleship tool. There are classes for all ages meeting at 9:30am on Sunday mornings. Classrooms are downstairs in the main church building with the exception of the student class held in the youth room in the Family Life Center.
This is our adult service for Wednesday Nights. This occurs at the same time as the student service at 6:30pm in the sanctuary.