H1AG Students is the student ministry of H1AG. We believe in the next generation, so we value the opportunity to pour into them. In H1AG Students you can know that your student will find a place they can call home and a people they can call family.
We Follow Jesus
Our primary focus in H1AG Students is to introduce students to the real Jesus. We believe that our purpose is to teach students how to have a authentic relationship with Jesus.
We Grow
In H1AG Students we believe in growth. We believe that it’s something Jesus taught, so we should do it. We do this by challenging ourselves in certain areas; such as worship, prayer, evangelism, and more.
We Give
We believe that each student has something of value on the inside of them. We believe that what God has given them is to be shared with the world. We give through Speed the Light(see below), but also we give through being the hands and feet of Jesus to our community. We believe in servanthood, because that’s who Jesus was- a servant.
We are Family
We’re not just fellow believers, we are the family of God. In H1AG Students we pride ourselves in created an atmosphere of friendliness and community. We would love for you to come join our family!
Speed the Light
Speed the Light is our opportunity to reach the world with the gospel of Jesus. When you give, equipment for transportation and communication will be sent to missionaries all around the world. To learn more about STL, visit and click on the STL icon.
(Currently Unavailable)
Midweek Service
Wednesdays I 6:30pm
Family Life Center
Grades 7-12
Sunday school
Sundays I 9:30am
Youth Room(Family Life Center)
Grades 7-12
See “Our Staff” page for more info